1. 01017EC1 Always have 296 in time left. When you jump on a
2. 01287DC1 pole at the end of a level you should turn code off to continue.
3. 0101C5C1 Always be Super Mario. You will never get killed unless you fall into a hole or lava.
4. 0101CEC1 Always have Fire balls even if small.
5. 0102C1C1 Walk Through everything. It should be used with the always be Super Mario code. If you need to go down a pipe turn off the codes and get hit, you will then be in normal mode. You must turn the codes off before you try to hit a pole or you will get stuck. Also you will need to turn off the codes and get hit by Bowser before you can get the axe. GameGenie.com recommend this code only for Levels 8-1 through 8-3.
6. 01FF8EC1 + 01FF8FC1 + 01FF8FC1 + 01FF91C1 Activates all challenge levels. Codes must be off to start the game. Go into a level and turn on codes, then save. You will then be able to do any challenge level.
7. 010392C1 Activates the Lost levels and Boo vs Game. Enter code then go into a level turn code on. Save and end level. You can now click on Luigi and play the Lost levels.
8. 01FF29C4 + 01FF2AC4 + 01FF2BC4 + 01FF2CC4 Activates all pictures. Follow above instructions.
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